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Get insights from your DNA, whether it's your ethnicity or personal traits.  |  LEARN MORE

Get insights from your DNA whether it’s your ethnicity or personal traits.

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A family tree takes you back generations—the world’s largest collection of online family history records makes it possible.

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With precise geographic detail and clear-cut historical insights, we can connect you to the places in the world where your story started—from unique regions to living relatives.

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Don't miss Season 10 of

Don't miss Season 10 of

Follow an all-new cast of celebrities as they uncover their fascinating family legacies.

Follow an all-new cast of celebrities as they uncover their fascinating family legacies.

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I love and have used its many tools to find lost relatives, see photos and records I didn’t know existed. What a great product that is truly connecting families! I highly recommend it for those who are trying to build their family trees.

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There are many paths to finding your family story. Whichever way you choose tracing your family generations back with a family tree or uncovering your ethnicity with AncestryDNA®—we’ll be here to help you.


Search billions of records and discover your family story

Search billions of records and discover your family story


Uncover your ethnicity and
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Uncover your ethnicity and more with AncestryDNA®

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